I love zines! Not just collecting and reading them, but making, selling, and trading them! This section of my site is about the zines I make and zine events I've attended. I also have some links here to free downloads of some zines I made!

I've been involved in zine culture since Fall of 2014. Since I discovered zines I've made over 25 zines of my own, traded hundreds of zines with other zine-makers, edited the Asexual Content zine, helped found and run the Ace Zine Archive, run a zine Tumblr (no longer active), contributed to many compilation zines, tabled at several zine fests and other art events, run several zine workshops teaching about zines and how to make them, and almost completed work on a zine-trading social network Android app called Let's Trade Zines, which is on hold. Basically, my life revolves around zines! Other current projects include being the head organizer for the Litchfield County Zine Fest (the first and only zine fest in Connecticut) and creating a zine anthology book of the first seven issues of my personal zine (meta)paradox.

I also run a Discord server about zines called Zines and Zinesters, which you can find here: https://discord.gg/DrRyFx9

First of all, here's where you can find my Etsy, where I sell zines online: http://paradoxnowcreations.etsy.com/

Downloadable Zines and Goodies

You Know You’re a Rural Queer When... The Zine

I was feeling super isolated during pride month 2019, so I made a zine about it and cried. 16 pages, 1/8 size. #IsolatedQueerSolidarity

Let's Make a Zine! An Interactive Workshop - The Zine!

This zine contains the contents of the generic (non-themed) version of the zine workshops I teach.

Instructions for printing: Print the zine double sided at 100%. Stack the pages with the page that has the cover on top. Cut down the center (horizontally) of the stack and put the lower stack under the upper stack. Staple at the center of the stack and fold the zine into a booklet.

Summer Mixtape Zine

I made this zine for a zine jam. This zine is a simple 1/8 size mini zine with 16 pages, containing a playlist with commentary, anecdotes, and art.

Camp Ravenrock Promo Zine

I made this zine to hand out to people at Play NYC. The zine is some basic facts and art about my dating sim demo that I showed at the event.

Quick QTPOC Zine Resources

I made this pdf for a zine workshop at a QTPOC conference. It contains resources for finding zines by queer and trans people of color.

1 Sheet 8 Page Mini Zine Template

Here's a template I made for a 1 sheet, 8 page, no staple mini zine.

Here is the current list of zines I've made or edited:

I'm currently working on these zines:

Here is where I’ll list the zines (not my own) I’ve contributed pieces to:

Zine and related events I've tabled at:

Places I've taught zine workshops: